
As a father of five kids, I still am in awe each day as I experience the unique, unrepeatable, masterpiece of each of my children. 

Often I find myself reflecting on why I love them so deeply and what makes them so precious to me. As any parent knows, we actually have very little control over who these little people are. Instead we discover who God has made them to be over time as they discover it themselves. Each of my children are invaluable living works of art that unfold their depth to me over time. 

What an immense gift! 

Here is what I know. These wonderful little people are valuable not because of what they can do (they didn’t do much at the start), not because they contribute to society in some way, nor because of the way they look or act, but simply because they are human. Their dignity can not be given or taken away. It exists no matter what they do. I believe this to be true of my own children and of every human being from conception until natural death.

I am so blessed each day to be in awe of these precious gifts in my life.  

This morning I was spending time reflecting on what in my life I am most grateful for.  

Immediately my family is at the top of the list.

I have 5 kids ages 15-8 and am married to my best friend.  

They make life so rich!

Coupled with overwhelming gratitude was a deep sense of frustration with myself.  

Why do I prioritize so many things of lesser value over them?  
Why do I allow insignificant things to crowd my time and focus?
Why do I behave the opposite of what I want, distracted and too busy?

My desire is build deep meaningful relationships with them and ensure they know what incredible human beings they are.  

Some days I do this well and many days I allow other lesser things to rule my attention.

Today I’m committing to long hugs and affirming words so they know I cherish each of them.  

So grateful that my work at Life on Belay challenges me to reflect on why being intentional and cherishing family matters.  

Who do you need to prioritize in your life today?