Every human person (regardless of age/race/economic status/etc.) is made in the image and likeness of the God who is love. Thus, every human life possesses an equal and inestimable dignity and worth. Because of this inalienable and foundational dignity, each and every person possesses an inherent right to what is essential (beginning with the right to life) for them to receive and live out their call to friendship with the God who is love itself.

One thing we never disagree on is how much we love and care for one another. If someone is sick, we all rally around them to off-load their tasks to someone else for the day. If someone is going through a hard time, we send dinner and prayers their way. If someone is overwhelmed, we have space to talk it through with another team member. This is what makes hiring so great; we get to welcome someone into our super fun, highly supportive, balanced, and dynamic team.

We got to do this with our Senior Consultant, Adam Henrichs. He came to us excited to incorporate his background and skills into his passion for helping others and living out his faith. I asked him a few questions so you could get to know him.

Addie: Hey, Adam! Can you tell me, in your words, what is your role at Life on Belay?
Adam: Sure! I’m a Senior Consultant delivering technology and strategy solutions to our clients. Right now, I’m helping a client improve their patient care processes while coaching our team on how to deliver using Agile.

Addie: And Agile is that method you taught me last week about rapidly and repeatedly delivering high quality work to our clients every two weeks?
Adam: You got it!

Addie: Yeah, it’s super helpful. Next question, what do you love about LOB?
Adam: I love that I can use my background in technology consulting for a mission I’m deeply passionate about. I was surprised at how central prayer is in everything we do at Life on Belay, and it has been a breath of fresh air to deeply integrate my faith and work.

Addie: I love that. So, what do you do outside of LOB?
Adam: I love going on adventures. Prior to joining the LOB team, my wife and I hiked around Costa Rica with our 1-year-old baby, practicing Spanish and enjoying the local cuisine. Since moving to St. Louis in August, I bought an old school mountain bike (’90s Cannondale) and have been discovering new trails with my Border Collie, Giorgio.

Addie: That is so cool! Okay, last question. What is a little-known thing or two about you?

Adam: I spent three months in Peru in 2014 where I discerned becoming a consecrated religious brother or priest. I didn’t feel that specific call but did realize that He had plans for me elsewhere to bring young people into a relationship with Him and His Church.

Addie: Beautiful. Thank you for taking the time! We are so excited to have you.