
I love people!  
I treasure knowing others and being known deeply.  
My identity has been shaped and formed in relationship . 
When I look at the last couple years, I find more and more people unhappy, isolated, and yet “connected” with so many people through social technologies. The hearts ache for true friendship. 
I believe all people are made for authentic, deep relationship. 
Relationship require two things to even have the potential to grow.  Availability and vulnerability. 
To put it another way, you have to spend time with a person and share something of yourself in order for the potential of depth to occur.   
In my life, one of the most profound relationships that I have is with my mother. There is not a single person I have met in my life who is more willing to create time and to share herself with others than her. She is gentle, consistent, bold but not overbearing, strives to really understand me, and constantly offers me support even when I am difficult. The blessing of her friendship is that I know deeply that I am loved and this confidence floods into every area of my life. She is a support, a joy, and always makes my day more beautiful by being with her. 
Deep purposeful relationships make life rich. Mom you are pure gift!